Getting a traffic ticket can be frustrating. It can also lead to confusion if you do not understand the system. Many tickets are easy to clear up because the traffic codes are a little different than other types of laws. For example, a parking ticket is very minor and easy to take care of as opposed to a speeding ticket.
The New York State website explains you may receive a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) ticket. If you get this type of violation, you have several options for handling it. These tickets are only for non-moving violations, and you can receive them anywhere in the city.
Guilty plea
If you admit guilt to the ticket’s accusation, you can clear it up fast. You will just need to pay the fines and other charges assessed for a guilty plea. You can do so by mail, in person or online.
Not guilty pleas
If you do not agree with the ticket’s contents, you can plead not guilty. You will then need to go to a hearing at a TVB office. Here, you will get the chance to plead your case. You have the option to reschedule the hearing one time if you are not ready.
When responding to your ticket, either at a hearing or to make a guilty plea, you have to have the ticket number and all of your identifying information as it appears on the ticket. This is an important point. Your ticket is in the system based on what is on the ticket, which may be incorrect if the officer made a mistake. You still need to report it as what is on the ticket.